Download FTB direwolf20 via Feed the Beast modpack for Minecraft

FTB direwolf20 Splash

Play along with Direwolf20 using the same pack he uses in his SSP youtube series.

FTB direwolf20 Download

Download the Feed the Beast launcher required to play FTB direwolf20. It works on Windows, Mac and Linux! Just click the appropriate download link below:

FTB direwolf20 download FTB direwolf20 server download

Like FTB direwolf20? Play the GigaTech mod pack. Construct factories, work magic, go to space. So much to do along with classic mods like Industrial Craft 3, Buildcraft 3, Thaumcraft and much more!

Learn more about the mod pack

FTB direwolf20 Installation Guide

The Feed the Beast Launcher requires Java!

If you do not already have Java installed please make sure to go download the latest version from Oracle. You can get the Java JRE by clicking here.

From the drop-down menu you can now also choose to play Vanilla Minecraft and countless other amazing mod packs.

That's it! You have successfully installed FTB direwolf20 and can now launch it.

Mod list 70 total

Additional Buildcraft Objects by Flow86
Applied Energistics by AlgorithmX2
Ars Magica 2 by Mithion
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
BiblioWoods - BoP by Nuchaz
BiblioWoods - Forestry by Nuchaz
BiblioWoods - Natura by Nuchaz
Billund by dan200
Biomes O Plenty by Forstride, Adubbz, etc.
Buildcraft by SpaceToad, SirSengir, CovertJaguar, etc.
Chicken Chunks by Chickenbones
CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
COFHcore by Team COFH
Compact Solars by cpw
ComputerCraft by dan200
denlib by denoflions
denPipes by denoflions
denPipes - Emerald by denoflions
denPipes - Forestry by denoflions
Enderstorage by Chickenbones
EVOC by ProfMobius
Extra Utilities by RWTema
Factorization by neptunepink
Flatsigns by Myrathi

Forestry by SirSengir
Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
Gate Copy by denoflions
GravityGun by iChun
Hat Stands by iChun
Hats by iChun
iChunUtil by iChun
Industrial Craft 2 Exp by IC² Dev Team
Infinibows by Myrathi
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
Iron Chests by cpw
Logistic Pipes by RS485
Magic Bees by MysteriousAges
MobiusCore by ProfMobius
Modular Powersuits by MachineMuse
ModularForceFieldSystems (Cal) by Calclavia
Morph by iChun
Mystcraft by xcompwiz
Natura by mDiyo
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Plugins by mistaqur
Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
Nuclear Control by Shedar
Obsidiplates by Myrathi

OpenBlocks by OpenMods Team
OpenPeripheral by OpenMods Team
Opis by ProfMobius
Plugins for Forestry by denoflions
Portal Gun by iChun
Project:Red by Mr_TJP
qCraft by dan200
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Steve's Carts by vswe
Switches by Myrathi
Thaumcraft 4 by Azanor
Thaumic Tinkerer by Vazkii
Thermal Expansion by Team COFH
TiC:Mechworks by mDiyo
Tinker's Construct by mDiyo
Translocators by Chickenbones
Twilight Forest by Benimatic
Waila by ProfMobius
WRCBE by Chickenbones
REI Minimap - ReiFNSK
Zan's Minimap - MamiyaOtaru
Journey Map -techbrew

Other Mod Packs

Tags: Feed the Beast FTB direwolf20 FTB download free Minecraft MineFactory Reloaded OpenBlocks NEI Buildcraft Tech modpack

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