Houston, we have a problem! The Technic guys have launched Tekkit into the space age. No longer is the sky the limit. Countless new dimensions and planets are there for you and your friends to explore.
With a collection of the best mods available in Minecraft we can only recommend this modpack to every Minecrafter longing to be finally be able to build your own Moon Base,
Get ready to blast off with Tekkit and download it with Technic.
Like Tekkit 2? Play the GigaTech mod pack. Construct factories, work magic, go to space. So much to do along with classic mods like Industrial Craft 3, Buildcraft 3, Thaumcraft and much more!
If you do not already have Java installed please make sure to go download the latest version from Oracle. You can get the Java JRE by clicking here.
Download and simply run the .exe file.
Select "Tekkit 2" from the menu on the top left
Log in.
Done! You can now player singleplayer Tekkit 2 or multiplayer Tekkit 2.
Mac and Linux
Download and run the .jar file.
Select "Tekkit 2" from the menu on the top left
Log in.
Done! You can now player singleplayer Tekkit 2 or multiplayer Tekkit 2.
From the drop-down menu you can now also choose to play Vanilla Minecraft and countless other amazing mod packs.
That's it! You have successfully installed Tekkit 2 and can now launch it.
Tekkit 2 Review
The long awaited return of the Tekkit modpack has finally arrived. Tekkit 2 invigorates a sense of nostalgia unlike any other reboot we have played.
Player favourites such as IndustrialCraft, Project Red (RedPower) and BuildCraft are back, alongside of course Galacticraft and Tekkit Jaffa Cakes!
Tekkit 2 is built on Minecraft 1.12.2, so we can finally also take advantage of all the great changes made to Vanilla Minecraft since Tekkit Classic was launched
Mod list 145 total
Additional Banners Additional Pipes for Buildcraft Advanced Solars Classic Akashic Tome AppleSkin Aqua Acrobatics ASMC AttributeFix AutoRegLib Backups Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded Better Ping Display Binnie's Mods Blockcraftery Born in a Barn BuildCraft Buildcraft Fluxified Cable Flux CC: Tweaked Charset Crafting Charset Immersion Charset Lib Charset Storage - Barrels Chicken ASM Chisel Chisels & Bits Client Tweaks CodeChickenLib CoFH World Computronics ConnectedTexturesMod Controlling CraftingTable IV CraftTweaker Custom Main Menu Damage Tilt Debark Default Options Diet Hoppers DupeFix Project ElecCore EnderStorage Energy Control Entity Desync Fix Exchangers Fairy Lights FastLeafDecay FastWorkbench Fix Experience Bug
FoamFix Forestry Forge Forge Multipart CBE Galacticraft Gravisuit Classic Guide-API GunpowderLib Had Enough Items Hammer Core Help Fixer Hesperus IC2 Classic iChunUtil IFPatcher Industrial Foregoing Integration Foregoing Inventory Tweaks Iron Chests Iron Tanks JEI Bees JEI Integration Jon's Exclusives Just Enough Drags Just Enough Pattern Banners Just Enough Resources KleeSlabs LemonLib Let Sleeping Dogs Lie Loading Progress Bar Logistics Pipes LoliASM LunatriusCore Main Menu Scale MAtmos MCMultiPart MixinBooter MmmMmmMmmMmm Modular ForceField System More Overlays Morpheus Mouse Tweaks MrTJPCore MysticalLib Nature's Compass Netherending Ores NoMoreRecipeConflict OpenEye Pack Crash Info
Picture in Picture Placebo Player Plates Plethora Peripherals Project E Project Red - Base Project Red - Compat Project Red - Expansion Project Red - Exploration Project Red - Fabrication Project Red - Illumination Project Red - Transmission Quark Railcraft RandomPatches Reach Fix ReAuth Reborn Core Reforged Resource Loader Save My Stronghold! Schematica Shadowfacts' Forgelin Smooth Font Smooth Scrolling Everywhere Sound Device Options Space Ambient Statues Steve's Carts Steve's Carts Reborn IC2C Compat Tekkit 2 Configs Tekkit 2 Resources Tekkit Jaffa Cakes Tesla Core Lib TipTheScales Toast Control Translocators Tumbleweed UniDict View EMC VoxelMap VoxelMapFixes Waila Waila Harvestability WanionLib Wireless Redstone: Chicken Bones Edition Zetta Industries